How to use keyboard Shortcuts with Datasnipper

Using shortcut keys can help you speed up your Snipping process.

About Snipping

With DataSnipper you can cross-reference Excel with supporting evidence, like PDFs, images, MS Word, and Excel files. The references are stored in the workbook. This makes it very easy to review audit procedures.

The name of a key you'll need to press is quoted between single, e.g if you need to press the Control key it will be stated as 'CTRL'.

A combination of keys is linked by an unquoted + character. Text after the: character denotes the effect of the short key.

If an effect notes a default version, e.g (v3.0.0 and up) it means that you'll need at least that version of DataSnipper installed for the short key to work.

Quickly select a snip type

  • 'CTRL' + ',' : Validation Snip mode
  • 'CTRL' + '.' : Exception Snip mode
  • 'CTRL' + '[' : Sum Snip mode
  • 'CTRL' + '=' : Text Snip mode
  • 'CTRL' + 'M' : Table Snip mode

DataSnipper integrates with existing Excel short keys

  • 'CTRL' + 'Z': Undo creation and deletions of snips with one step
  • 'CTRL' + 'C' (With snip selected) : Copy Snips
  • 'CTRL' + 'V' (After 'CTRL' + 'C') : Paste Copied Snip

When snips are pasted into another workbook the connected documents will import automatically into the workbook.

Navigate the imported documents

First, make sure your document viewer is in focus by clicking on the open document.

  • '←' or '→' : Scroll the document left/right, or switch to previous/next document depending on scroll position within the document.
  • '↑' or '↓' : Scroll the document up/down.
  • 'pg up' or 'pg up' : Scroll one page up/down.