Troubleshooting User Login and Verification Code Issues

Did you enable User-Level License Management, but the users don’t receive a sign-in email with the code? Here are some steps to resolve the issue.


  • Users must have DataSnipper version 6.1.13 or later.
  • User email is correctly added to the Company Dashboard

Step 1: Whitelist the email address:

This is the email that sends the sign-in code, it could be marked as spam and blocked by your email filter. Additionally, please look for the email in the spam/junk folder.

Step 2: Whitelist the DataSnipper API:

To validate the license for the user, DataSnipper requires connectivity to Microsoft Azure endpoint: Check if the endpoint is accessible with the ping command and whitelist it if needed. If the endpoint is still not accessible, it could be due to the company geo-blockers, as this endpoint is located in the Netherlands.

Step 3: Unblock the sign-in URL:

During signing in, DataSnipper opens the URL in the new window to provide the user's email. If this URL is not accessible, the user won’t be able to provide the email to request the code.