How to validate the mathematical accuracy with Financial Statement Suite

Easily verify the mathematical accuracy of the figures in the financial statement. DataSnipper has analyzed the document for you and added suggestions of valid totals.

About Financial Statement Suite

Financial Statement Suite is a paid add-on module. Designed to perform and review financial statements. Increase audit quality, while boosting efficiency. Leverage DataSnipper's AI and automation technology to increase your audit quality and efficiency.


Choose your Financial Statement Suite version to learn more about validating Mathematical Accuracy:

👉 DataSnipper version 5.0 and later

👉 DataSnipper version 4.1

👉 DataSnipper version 4.0

👉 Visit most FAQs on Mathematical Accuracy

DataSnipper v5.0 - Validate the Mathematical Accuracy

  1. Begin by clicking the Financial Statement Suite button in the top right-hand corner of the DataSnipper tab within Excel.
  2. Select the current and prior year versions of your financial statement to start the tick & tie.
  3. DataSnipper automatically places suggestions of valid totals and errors. By hovering over the numbers, you can quickly analyze the suggestions and place tickmarks.
  4. You can verify the totals by dragging your cursor across the figures (aka Sum Snip) and you will see the sum of the numbers in the bottom right corner of your screen.
  5. When you place tickmarks on the totals that are not mathematically accurate (aka incorrect), they appear in the findings sidebar with an automated comment. 
  6. You can click the highlighted findings to edit comments, change/remove tickmarks, or add custom tickmarks.
  7. If you click on the rotation button, you can change the direction of the tickmark.

Applying multiple tickmarks at once

If you want to apply multiple tickmarks at once, you can do that using the drop-down menu in the upper left corner. You can apply multiple tickmarks in four ways:

1. Apply tickmarks to the current page;

2. Apply all the tickmarks to the document;

3. Apply all suggested correct tickmarks to the document;

4. Finally, apply all suggested incorrect tickmarks to the document.

Applying multiple tickmarks at once can be enabled/disabled on a company level. If you don't see this drop-down menu, it means your company admin disabled this feature for your organization.

Please note that Financial Statement Suite is a separate paid add-on module and is supported by DataSnipper version 4.0 and later. Contact your Customer Success Manager to learn more. 

DataSnipper v4.1 - Validate the Mathematical Accuracy

  1. Begin by clicking the Financial Statement Suite button in the top right-hand corner of the DataSnipper tab within Excel.
  2. Select the current and prior year versions of your financial statement to start the tick & tie.
  3. DataSnipper will automatically place blue tickmarks for totals within the Financial Statements where it detects that the total and the parts are equal.
  4. On the findings sidebar to the left of the screen, DataSnipper will automatically highlight all the totals that are not mathematically accurate. 
  5. You can click the highlighted findings to add comments, change/remove tickmarks, or add custom tickmarks.
  6. If you click on the rotation button, you can change the direction of the tickmark.
  7. You can verify the totals by dragging your cursor across the figures (aka Sum Snip) and you will see the sum of the numbers in the bottom right corner of your screen.

MA v4.1

Please note that Financial Statement Suite is a separate paid add-on module and is supported by DataSnipper version 4.0 and later. Contact your Customer Success Manager to learn more. 


DataSnipper v4.0 - Validate the Mathematical Accuracy

  1. Begin by clicking Financial Statement Suite button in the top right-hand corner of the DataSnipper tab within Excel
  2. Begin the mathematical accuracy testing by clicking 'Get Started' from the start page
  3. DataSnipper will automatically add a green highlight for totals within the Financial Statements where it detects that the total and the parts are equal.
  4. You can click the highlighted sections to add the tickmark and validate the mathematical accuracy of the totals within your document, where DataSnipper hasn't picked up that the total is correct you can drag your cursor across the figures and you will see a total in the 'Interactive Sum View' window. If correct you can click the total to add the footed symbol in the same way.
  5. If you click the same number multiple times you can change the direction of the tickmark.
  6. If there are any errors or findings which you would like to highlight you can right-click the number and apply the relevant mark, you can also clear marks here as well.

How to validate the mathematical accuracy of your financial statements

Please note that Financial Statement Suite is a separate paid add-on module and is supported by DataSnipper version 4.0 and later. Contact your Customer Success Manager to learn more. 



  1. Does FSS recognize the direction of the total (i.e., vertical or horizontal)?
    Yes, it does. Depending on the direction of the total (i.e., vertical or horizontal), one of the following mathematical accuracy tickmarks will be added by the tool once you validate the total: ^ or <.