How to configure user-level settings of DataSnipper

With the new settings menu in DataSnipper version 5.0, learn how to customize DataSnipper’s default behavior on a user level.

About Settings

The settings menu gives users the flexibility to customize certain aspects of the DataSnipper platform. You can find the settings menu on the DataSnipper ribbon.

The settings menu is only available for DataSnipper version 5.0 and later. Please get in touch with your Customer Success Manager to learn more about DS version 5.0.

Optimal Character Recognition (OCR) options:

If you don't want to be notified when DataSnipper runs text recognition on the imported documents, you can disable the notifications by automatically enabling OCR. 

Importing Documents with CTRL + V

By using copy and paste functionality, you can import documents directly into your Excel workbook. This functionality is disabled by default. If you would like to enable it, you can do so in the settings menu.

Learn Track

When you install DataSnipper for the first time, you receive a Learn Track invite. DataSnipper Learn Track offers a variety of videos about product features and important audit use cases directly in your mailbox. If you do not wish to see the learn track invite, you can disable it on the settings menu. 

Workbook Settings

Besides general settings, DataSnipper offers workbook settings that can be defined per Excel workbook. This will help you to customize individual workbook settings based on your audit procedures.

Embedding Documents in Workbook

If you would like to store your supported documents in your Excel workbook, you can do so by enabling this setting. Keep in mind that enabling this option will increase the file size of your workbook.

If for example, you have a lot of documents and you would like to reduce the file size of your workbook, then you can disable this option.

Keep in mind that when you disable this option, the PDFs will only be opened by DataSnipper if the location of the imported PDFs remains the same or the documents can be found in the same folder.

Table Snip Suggestions

When you import documents that contain tables, DataSnipper automatically provides suggestions to Table Snip. If you do not wish to receive Table Snip suggestions, you can disable this setting per the workbook.