How to check the version of DataSnipper
When troubleshooting, your organization or DataSnipper support may need to know what version of DataSnipper you're using.
This article will help you find the version of DataSnipper you're using. Your IT team or DataSnipper support may request this when troubleshooting. Depending on the version you have, the information may be under a different part of the DATASNIPPER ribbon. Find the version that matches what you see in Excel below.
DataSnipper v4.1 or above
With DataSnipper 4.1 or higher, you can find the version of DataSnipper you're running by pressing the "Learn" button, then the "About" button.
DataSnipper 4.0 and below
With DataSnipper 4.0 and below, you can find your version under the "Info" part of the ribbon by clicking the "About" button.
If you think you may not be running the latest DataSnipper update available to you, please contact your IT team.