File Path Length Limits in DataSnipper

Understanding file path length limits in DataSnipper and how they affect your workflow


DataSnipper relies on several Microsoft libraries to deliver its functionality within Excel. One technical consideration to be aware of is the file path length limit. Different versions of DataSnipper, and the way files are accessed, can impact the user experience. This document outlines the key scenarios where file path length can cause issues and how to address them.

File Path Limits in DataSnipper

  • DataSnipper Version 6.0 and Earlier:

    The file path length is limited to 260 characters. Exceeding this limit can result in issues when opening Excel files and working with DataSnipper.

  • DataSnipper Version 6.1 and Later:

    Starting with Version 6.1, DataSnipper has expanded the file path limit to 400 characters to better align with general Microsoft file path limits.

Key Scenarios Where File Path Length Can Cause Issues

  1. Opening Files from Local File Explorer or Mapped Drives
    • Error Behavior: If a user opens an Excel file from their local drive or a mapped network drive and the file path exceeds the character limit (260 for V6.0 or 400 for V6.1), Excel will display an error message indicating that the path is too long.
    • Resolution: This error helps identify the issue, and users can then relocate or rename files/folders to shorten the path and resolve the problem.
  2. Opening Files from Online Drives (e.g., OneDrive or SharePoint) Using Desktop Excel
    • Error Behavior: When users open Excel files stored on an online drive via the desktop Excel app, no error message is presented when the file path exceeds the limit. However, this causes DataSnipper’s Document Viewer to fail to open, effectively blocking the user from utilizing DataSnipper's functionality.
    • Log Details: When this issue occurs, the logs will show a System.IO.PathTooLongException error. This is important to note for troubleshooting purposes.

Windows 10 and File Path Limits

Starting with Windows 10, version 1607, Microsoft removed the 260-character MAX_PATH limit for many common Win32 file and directory functions. However, applications need to be specifically modified to take advantage of this change.

  • Important Consideration: Even if the MAX_PATH limitation is removed at the operating system level, DataSnipper still has a file path length limit (400 characters for V6.1). Users should be aware that enabling this feature in Windows will not bypass DataSnipper's file path restrictions.

Questions to Ask Clients to Identify Potential Issues

To ensure that file path length does not cause disruptions in your client’s workflows, consider asking the following questions:

  1. File Access Methods:
    • How are users typically accessing Excel files in your organization? Are they using local file explorer, mapped drives, or online drives (like OneDrive or SharePoint)?
  2. File Location Practices:
    • Are users regularly saving files in deeply nested folders or using long file names that might exceed 260 or 400 characters?
  3. Error Reports:
    • Have any users reported issues with opening files in DataSnipper where the Document Viewer doesn’t load? This could indicate a file path length issue, especially if the file is being accessed from an online drive.
  4. Windows 10 Settings:
    • Has your IT department enabled the MAX_PATH override in Windows 10? If so, be aware that this will not change the file path limits imposed by DataSnipper.

Recommended Steps to Avoid File Path Issues

To prevent file path length from impacting the use of DataSnipper, the following best practices are recommended:

  1. Shorten File Paths:
    • Encourage users to store files in directories with shorter paths and avoid long file names. Organizing files in flatter folder structures can help stay within the 400-character limit.
  2. Educate Users:
    • Make users aware of the file path length limits and the potential impact on both Excel and DataSnipper, especially when working with files stored on online drives.
  3. Monitor Error Logs:
    • If users report that DataSnipper’s Document Viewer isn’t opening, check the logs for the System.IO.PathTooLongException error, which indicates a file path issue.
  4. Coordinate with IT Teams:
    • If your organization has enabled the MAX_PATH registry setting in Windows 10, it’s important to communicate that DataSnipper still enforces a file path limit of 400 characters, regardless of this setting.

Workaround: Using Mapped SharePoint Directory Links

If users are unable to move files or shorten directory names to avoid file path length issues, there is an additional workaround that can be used:

Creating a Link for a Mapped SharePoint Directory:

Users can create a folder link (i.e. junction or symbolic) or shortcut to a mapped SharePoint directory, which effectively shortens the file path used by applications like DataSnipper and Excel. This workaround can help bypass the file path limit without the need to restructure the file locations.

Important Considerations for This Workaround

While this method can help mitigate the file path length issue, there are a few important points to be aware of:

  1. Potential Issues with Imported Files:
    • If users have "Embed PDFs" turned off in DataSnipper settings or are importing files during coauthoring (simultaneous editing with multiple users), this workaround could create problems.
    • In these scenarios, imported files might rely on the link path instead of the original path, meaning that any changes to the link or its target directory could break the reference to the imported files. This can cause issues with file retrieval or viewing imported files in future sessions.
  2. Handling File Imports:
    • If this workaround is used, users should be cautious when working with imported files, particularly in coauthoring environments. It’s recommended to keep an eye on how the paths are being referenced within DataSnipper and to avoid making changes to the mapped link while files are in use.
  3. Testing Before Full Implementation:
    • This solution should be tested in a controlled environment before being rolled out to all users, particularly to identify any compatibility issues with existing workflows (like coauthoring or importing files). This will help ensure that the workaround doesn’t introduce new problems that could affect productivity.

Conclusion and Next Steps

Being aware of these file path length limitations and taking proactive steps can help prevent interruptions in your team’s use of DataSnipper. If any issues arise, or if your users are encountering difficulties related to file paths, feel free to reach out for support. We’re here to help troubleshoot and guide you in optimizing your file storage practices to work seamlessly with DataSnipper.